Institute of Endocrinology

Health Care Quality Control


Certificate of Accreditation (ČIA)


The Laboratory Complement of the Institute of Endocrinology is a medical laboratory No. 8260 accredited by the Czech Accreditation Institute in accordance with ČSN EN ISO 15189:2013 since 16 May 2016. The accreditation demostrates competence for laboratory examinations in the field of clinical biochemistry, molecular genetics, allergology and clinical immunology to the extent as specified in the appendix to the certificate. The certficate is valid until 13 May 2026.

The laboratories of the Institute of Endocrinology have been providing specialized laboratory analyzes for the diagnosis and treatment monitoring of a wide range of endocrinopathies more than 50 years. The main objective of the Laboratory Complement is the continuous improvement of laboratory methods with the application of the state-of-the-art instruments and scientific knowledge. The quality control of laboratory examinations is performed within the established quality management system.



Certificate of Accreditation (SAK)



The Institute of Endocrinology is accredited by the Joint Accreditation Committee (SAK) since 16 December 2014. The certificate is valid until 16 February 2024.

The Institute of Endocrinology successfully passed the accreditation procedure and fulfilled all requirements of quality and safety standards in accordance with the provisions of Section 105 Act No. 372/2011 on Health Services and on Conditions of their Provision.


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