Endokrinologický ústav

Zahraniční časopisy starší ročníky


Alesci Salvatore, Koch Christian A., Bornstein Stefan R., Pacák Karel
Adrenal androgens regulation and adrenopause.
Andocrine Regulations 35, 2001,2,95-100.

Bičíková Marie, Számel Irene, Hill Martin, Tallová Jaroslava, Stárka Luboslav
Allopregnanolone, pregnenolone sulfate, and epitestosterone in breast cyst fluid.
Steroids 66, 2001,1, 55-57.

Bičíková Marie,Tallová Jaroslava, Hill Martin, Vaňuga Anton, Putz Zdeněk, Tomadl Josef
Effect of treatment of hypothyroidism on the plasma concentrations of neuroactive steroids and homocysteine.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 39,2001,8,753-757.

Cibula David, Hill Martin, Fanta M., Šindelka G., Živný J.
Does obesity diminish the positive effect of oral contraceptive treatment on hyperandrogenism in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome?
Human Reproduction 16,2001,5, 940-944.

Eisenhofer G., Walther M.M., Huynh T.T., Li S.T., Bornstein S.R., Vortmeyer A., Mannelli M., Goldstein D.S., Linehan W.M., Lenders J.W., Pacák Karel
Pheochromocytomas in von Hippel-Lindau syndrome and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 display distincst biochemical and clinical phenotype.
J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab. 86,2001,5,1999-2008.

Hainer V., Kunešová M., Stunkard A.J., Pařízková J., Štich V., Mikulová R., Stárka Luboslav
The within-pair resemblance in serum levels of androgens, sex-hormone binding globulin and cortisol in female obese identical-effect of negative energy balance induced by very low-calorie diet.
Hormone and Metabolis Research 33,2001,417-422.

Hampl Richard, Šnajderová Marta, Lebl Jan, Lisá Lidka, Dvořáková Marcela, Hill Martin, Šulcová Jarmila, Stárka Luboslav
Sex-hormone binding globulin as a marker of the effect of hormonal treatment in Turner´s syndrome.
Endocrine Regulations 35, 2001,1, 17-24.

Hampl Richard, Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav
7-Hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone epimers in the life span.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 78,2001, 4,367-372.

Hill Martin, Bičíková Marie, Pařízek Antonín, Havlíková Helena, Klak Jan, Fajt Tomáš, Meloun Milan, Cibula David, Čegan Alexander, Šulcová Jarmila, Hampl Richard, Stárka Luboslav
Neuroactive steroids, their precursors and polar conjugates during parturition and postpartum in maternal blood: 2. Time profiles of pregnanolone isomers.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 78, 2001,1,51-57.

Hill Martin, Lapčík Oldřich, Havlíková Helena, Morfin Robert, Hampl Richard
7-Hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone epimers in human serum and saliva Comparisum of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and radioimmunoassay.
Journal of Chromatography A, 935,2001,297-307.

Hušek Petr, Šimek Petr
Advances in Amino Acid Analysis.
LC-GC North America 2001,19,č.9,s.986-999.
Hušek Petr, Farkas Tivadar
Rapid body fluid amino acid profiling and sample workup.
Amer.Biotechnol.Lab. 19, 2001,č.12,14-16.

Koch Christian A., Vortmeyer A.O., Huang S.C., Alesci S., Zhuang Z., Pacák Karel
Genetic aspects of pheochromocytoma (Review).
Endocr. Regul. 35,2001,1,43-52.

Koch Christian A., Pacák Karel
Abnormal ACTH-stimulation test in a patient with AIDS: adrenal insufficiency or toxoplasmosis?
Endocrine Regulations 35, 2001,2, 91-93.

Matějková-Běhanová Magdalena
Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) and autoimmune thyroiditis (minireview).
Endocrine Regulations 35,2001, 167-172.

Meloun Milan, Hill Martin, Cibula David
Exploratory Biochemical Data Analysis: a Comparison of Two Sample Means and Diagnostic Display.
Clin Chem Lab Med 39,2001,3,244-255.

Nedvídková Jara, Pacák Karel, Haluzík Martin, Nedvídek Jan, Schreiber Vratislav
The role of dopamine in methylene blue-mediated inhibition of estradiol benzoate-induced anterior pituitary hyperplasia in rats.
Neurosci Lett. 304,2001,3,194-8.

Pacák Karel, Fojo T., Goldstein D.S., Eisenhofer G., Walther M.M., Linehan W.M., Bachenheimer L., Abraham J., Wood B.J.
Radiofrequency ablation: a novel approach for treatment of metastic pheochromocytoma (Review).
J.Natl.Cancer Inst. 93,2001,8,648-649.

Pacák Karel, Goldstein D.S., Doppman J.L., Shulkin B.L., Udelsman R., Eiesenhofer G.
A „Pheo“ Lurks: Novel Approaches for Locating Occult Pheochromocytoma.
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 86, 2001, 8, 3641-46.

Pacák Karel, Linehan W.M., Eisenhofer G., Walther M.M., Goldstein D.S.
Recent advances in genetics, diagnosis, localization, and treatment of pheochromocytoma.
Annals of Internal Medicine 134, 2001,4,315-29.

Pacák Karel, Eisenhofer G., Carrasquillo J.A., Chen C.C., Li S.T., Goldstein D.S.
6-/18F/fluorodopamine positron emission tomographic (PET) scanning diagnostic localization of pheochromocytoma.
Hypertension 38,2001,1,6-8.

Pacák Karel, Palkovits M.
Stressor specificity of central neuroendocrine responses: implications for related disorders.
Endocr. Rev. 22, 2001, 4, 502-548.

Papežová Hana, Yamamotová A., Nedvídková Jara
Pain modulation role of melatonin in eating disorders.
European Psychiatry 16,2001,68-70.

Sills E.Scott, Vrbíková Jana, Kastratovic-Kotlica Biljana
Conjoined twins, conception, pregnancy, and delivery: A reproductive history of the pygopagus Blažek sisters (1878-1922).
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 185,2001,1396-402.

Tallová Jaroslava, Tomandl Josef, Bičíková Marie, Šimíčková M.
Homocysteine in breast cyst fluid.
European Journal of clinical Investigation 31,2001,623-627.

Vrbíková Jana, Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav, Cibula David, Bendlová Běla, Vondra Karel, Šulcová Jarmila, Šnajderová M.
The effect of long-term metformin treatment on adrenal and ovarian steroidogenesis in women with polycystic ovary.
European Journal of Endocrinology 2001,144,619-628.

Vrbíková Jana, Bičíková Marie, Tallová Jaroslava, Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav
Homocysteine and steroid levels in metformin treated women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes 110,2001,č.2,s.74-76.

Žofková Ivana, Bahbouh Radvan, Bendlová Běla
Systemic insulin-like growth factor-I, insulin and vitamin D status in relation to age-associated bone loss in women.
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes 109,2001,267-272.Š


Bičíková Marie, Klak Jan, Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav
The Effect of Epitestosterone on Estrogen Biosynthesis in Vitro.
Hormone and Metabolic Research 32, 2000, 125-128.

Bičíková Marie, Tallová Jaroslava, Hill Martin, Krausová Zuzana, Hampl Richard
Serum concentrations of some neuroactive steroids in women suffering from mixed anxiety-depressive disorder.
Neurochemical Research 25,2000, 12,1623-27.

Cibula D., Kužel D., Řežábek K., Vrbíková Jana, Živný Jaroslav, Stárka Luboslav
Multiple ovarian biopsy in the treatment of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Clinical and experimental obstetrics and gynecology 27, 2000,3/4, 194-196.

Cibula D., Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav
The best correlation of the new index of hyperandrogenism with the grade of increased body hair.
European Journal of Endocrinology 143, 2000,405-408.

Cibula David, Hill Martin, Vohradníková O., Kužel D., Fanta M., Živný Jaroslav
The role of androgens in determining acne severity in adult women.
British Journal of Dermatology 143,2000,399-404.

Haluzík Martin, Fiedler J., Nedvídková Jara, Češka Richard
Serum leptin levels in patients with hyperlipidemias.
Nutrition 16,2000,6,429-433.

Hampl Richard, Stárka Luboslav
Minireview: 16alfa-hydroxylated metabolites of dehydroepiandrosterone and their biological significance.
Endocrine Regulations 34, 2000, č.3, s.161-163.

Hampl Richard, Hill Martin, Šterzl Ivan, Stárka Luboslav
Immunomodulatory 7-hydroxylated metabolites of dehydroepiandrosterone are present in human semen.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 75,2000, 4/5,273-276.

Hill Martin, Pařízek Antonín, Bičíková Marie, Havlíková Helena, Klak Jan, Fait Tomáš, Cibula David, Hampl Richard, Čegan Alexander, Šulcová Jarmila, Stárka Luboslav
Neuroactive steroids, their presursors, and polar conjugates during parturition and postpartum in maternal and umbilical blood: 1.identification and simultaneous determination of pregnanolone isomers.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 75,2000, 4/5,237-244..

Hušek Petr, Benešová Olga, Tejkalová Hana
Unpredictable losses of serotonin in perchloric acid tissue homogenates.
Biogenic Amines 15,2000,5,503-12.

Hušek Petr
Determination of homocysteine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry following treatment with chloroformates a comment.
Journal of Chromatography B 740,2000,289-90.

Meloun Milan, Hill Martin, Militký Jiří, Kupka Karel
Transformation in the PC-aided biochemical data analysis.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 38,2000,6,553-559.

Sánchez D., Tučková L., Šebo P., Michalak M., Whelan A., Šterzl Ivan, Jelínková L., Hvrdová E., Imramovská M., Beneš Z., Krupičková S., Tlaskalová-Hogenová H.
Occurrence of IgA and IgG autoantibodies to calreticulin in coeliac and various autoimmune diseases.
Journal of Autoimmunity 15,2000,4,441-449.

Šimečková Aranka, Zamrazil Václav, Čeřovská Jarmila, Bílek Radovan
Does a relationship exist between ioduria, magnesiuria and calciuria?
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 14,2000,28-30.

Uehara Mariko, Lapčík Oldřich, Hampl Richard, Al-Maharik Nawaf, Mäkelä Taru, Wähälä Kristiina, Mikola Heikki, Adlercreutz Herman
Rapid analysis of phytoestrogens in human urine by timeresolved fluoroimmunoassay.
Journal of Steorid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 72, 2000, 273-282.

Vrbíková Jana, Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav, Vondra Karel, Šulcová Jarmila, Šnajderová M., Cibula D., Pobišová Zita, Bendlová Běla
An analysis of the role relationship between insulin resistance and the activity of steroid C17,20-lyase and 3beta-hydroxisteroid dehydrogenase in ovaries and adrenals in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes 108,2000,455-462.

Wang Guojie J., Lapčík Oldřich, Hampl Richard, Uehara Mariko, Al-Maharik Nawaf, Stumpf Katariina, Mikola Heikki, Wähälä Kristiina, Adlercreutz Herman
Time-resolved flouroimmunoassay of plasma daidzein and genistein.
Steroids 65, 2000, 339-348.

Žofková Ivana, Zajíčková Kateřina, Bahbouh Radvan
Postmenopausal osteoporosis associated with Xbal polymorphic site in the estrogen receptor gene.
Osteoporosis International 11,2000,Suppl.2,149.

Žofková Ivana, Bahbouh Radvan, Hill Martin
The pathophysiological implications of circulating androgens on bone mineral density in a normal female population.
Steroids 65, 2000, 857-61.


Adlercreutz H., Lapčík Oldřich, Hampl Richard, Wähälä K., Al-Maharik N., Wang G.-J., Mikola H.
Immunoassay of phytoestrogens in human plasma.
Journal of medicinal food 2,1999, 3-4, 131-133.

Bílek Radovan, Zamrazil Václav
Iodization of table salt in the czech Republic.
IDD Newsletter 15,1999,1,8.

Bušek Petr, Faber Josef, Kancheva Radmila
Epileptic focus in the role of endogenous stressor.
Clinical Neurophysiology 110,1999,Suppl.1 (Abstracts of the XI International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology),186-7.

Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Lukáč Dušan, Lapčík Oldřich, Pouzar Vladimír, Šulcová Jarmila
Elimination of cross-reactivity by addition of the excess of cross-reactant in radioimmunoassay of 17-hydroxypregnenolone.
Steroids 64, 1999,5,341-55.

Hill Martin, Lukáč Dušan, Lapčík Oldřich, Šulcová Jarmila, Hampl Richard, Pouzar Vladimír, Stárka Luboslav
Age relationship and sex differences in serum levels of pregnenolone and 17-hydroxypregnenolone in normal subjects.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 37,1999,4, s.725-7.

Kvíčala Jan, Jiránek Václav
INAA of Serum Zinc of Inhabitants in Five Regions of the Czech Republic.
Biological Trace Element Research 71-72,1999,s.21-30.

Kvíčala Jan, Zamrazil Václav, Jiránek Václav
Characterization of Selenium Status of Inhabitants in the Region Ústí nad Orlici, Czech Republic by INAA of Blood Serum and Hair and Fluorimetric Analysis of Urine.
Biological Trace Element Research 71-72,1999,s31-39..

Lapčík Oldřich, Hill Martin, Černý Ivan, Lachman Jaromír, Al-Maharik Nawaf, Adlercreutz Herman, Hampl Richard
Immunoanalysis of isoflavonoids in Pisum sativum and Vigna radiata.
Plant Science 148,1999,111-119.

Lapčík Oldřich, Hampl Richard, Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav
Immunoassay of7-hydroxysteroids:2.Radioimmunoassay of 7alfa-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 71,1999,5/6,231-237.

Stárka Luboslav, Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Huhtaniemi Ilpo T.
Genetic variant of luteinizing hormone in Czech Republic.
Endocr.Regul. 33,1999, 103-108.

Šterzl Ivan, Procházková Jarmila, Hrdá Pavlína, Bártová Jiřina, Matucha Petr, Stejskal Vera.
Mercury and nickell allergy: risk factors in fatigue and autoimmunity.
Neuroendocrinology Letters 20,1999,3/4,221-228.

Šterzl Ivan, Hampl Richard, Šterzl Jaroslav, Votruba Jaroslav, Stárka Luboslav
7beta-OH-DHEA counteracts dexamethasone induces suppression of primary immune response in murine spleenocytes.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 71,1999,3/4,133-137.

Tallová Jaroslava, Tomandl J., Bičíková Marie, Hill Martin
Changes of plasma homocysteine levels during of menstrual cycle.
Eur.J.Clin.Invest. 29,1999,12,1041-1044.

Vondra Karel, Koťátková Anna, Bendlová Běla, Němcová D., Vrbíková Jana, Zamrazil Václav
Metformin´s benefical effect on impaired glycoregulation in chronic glucocorticoid therapy.
Diabetologia 42,1999,Suppl. 1, A 226.

Žofková Ivana, Bahbouh R., Bendlová Běla, Kancheva Radmila
Circulating beta2 microglobulin in relation to bone metabolism: implications for bone loss with aging.
Calcified Tissue International 65,1999,442-446.


Adlercreutz Herman, Wang Guojie J., Lapčík Oldřich, Hampl Richard, Wähälä Kristina, Mäkelä Taru, Lusa Katariina, Talme Marjot, Mikolas Heikki
Time-resolved flouroimmunoassay for plasma enterolactone.
Analytical Biochemistry 1998,265, 2, 208-215.

Bičíková Marie, Dibbelt L., Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Stárka Luboslav
Allopregnanolone in women with premenstrual syndrome.
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 1998,30,4,227-229.

Bičíková Marie, Putz Zdeněk, Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Dibbelt L., Tallova J., Stárka Luboslav
Serum levels of neurosteroid allopregnanolone in patients with premenstrual syndrome and patients after thyroidectomy.
Endocrine Regulations 32, 1998, 87-92.

Cibula D., Vrbíková Jana, Kužel D., Řežábek K., Živný J., Stárka Luboslav, Vondra Karel, Hampl Richard
Endocrine- metabolis changes after different extent of laparoscopic ovarian drilling in clomiphene citrate resistant PCOS women.
Fertil Steril. 70,1998,Suppl.1, 497S-498S.

Haluzík Martin, Nedvídková Jara, Kopský V., Jahodová J., Hořejší B., Schreiber Vratislav
The changes of the thyroid function and serum testosterone levels after long-term L-NAME treatment in male rats.
J.Endocrinol. Invest. 1998,21, 4,234-238.

Hušek Petr
Chloroformates in gas chromatography as general-purpose derivatizing agents.
J.Chromatogr. B 1998,717, 1/2,57-92.

Lapčík Oldřich, Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Wahala Kristina, Adlercreutz Herman
Identification of isoflavonoids in beer.
Steroids,1998,63, 1,14-20.

Lapčík Oldřich, Hampl Richard, Hill Martin, Wähälä Kristiina, Al Maharik Nawaf, Adlercreutz Herman
Radioimmunoassay of Free Genistein in Human Serum.

Lapčík Oldřich, Hampl Richard, Hill Martin, Bičíková Marie, Stárka Luboslav
Immunoassay of 7-hydroxysteroids: 1.Radioimmunoassay of 7beta-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone.
J.Steroid Biochem. Molec.Biol.,1998,67,5-6,439-445Nedvídková Jara, Haluzík Martin, Pacák Karel, Schreiber Vratislav, Stárka Luboslav
Estrogenic effect of estradiol-sulfamate on the male rat antewerior pituitary.
J.Steroid.Biochem.Mol.Biol. 1998,67, .4,s.359-362.

Pelikánová Terezie, Pinsker Přemysl, Smrčková Ivana, Stříbrná Ludmila, Dryáková Marie
Decreased urinary kallikrein with hyperglycemia in patients with short-term insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 1998,12,264-272.

Svačina Štěpán, Kvapil Miloš,Haas T.,Wichterle Dan,Bendlová Běla, Štolba Pavel, Šonka J.¼br /> Dynamics of dehydroepiandrosterone during intravenous glucose tolerance test.¼br /> Diabetologia Croatica, 1998,27,.1,23-26.

Šterzl Jaroslav, Milerová Jaroslava, Votruba Jaroslav, Šterzl Ivan
Effect of protein kinase inhibitors on primary antibody induction in tissue cultures.
International Journal of Immunopharmacology 1998,20,583-587.

Tesař Vladimír, Mašek Zdeněk, Rychlík Ivan, Merta Miroslav, Bartůňková Jiřina, Stejskalová Alena, Žabka Jiří, Janatková Ivana, Fučíková Terezie, Dostál Ctibor, Bečvář Radim
Cytokines and adhesion molecules in renal vasculitis and lupus nephritis.
Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation 1998,13,1662-1667.

Tesař Vladimír, Jelínková E., Mašek Zdeněk, Jirsa M., Žabka Jiří, Bartůňková Jiřina, Stejskalová Alena, Janatková Ivana, Zima T.
Influence of plasma exchange on serum levels of cytokines and adhesion molecules in ANCA-positive renal vasculitis.
Blood Purification 1998,16, 72-80.

Tesfaye H., Hampl Richard, Stárka Luboslav
Peripheral glucocorticoid resistance in the light of recent knowledge of their actions.
Endocr. Regul. 1998,32,č.1,s.51-61.


Betka J., Mrzena L., Astl J., Němec Jan, Vlček Petr, Taudy M., Skřivan J.
Surgical treatment strategy for thyroid gland carcinoma nodal metastases.
Eur.Arch.Othorhinolaryngol.1997,254,Suppl.1, 169-174.

Bičíková Marie, Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Stárka Luboslav
Inhibition of rat renal and testicular 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase by some antihypersensitive drugs, diuretics and epitestosterone.
Horm.Metab.Res. 1997,29,465-468.

Broulík Petr, Stárka Luboslav
Effect of antiandrogens casodex and epitestosterone on bone composotion in mice.
Bone 1997,20, 5, 473-475.

Delange F., Benker G., Caron Ph., Eber O., Ott W., Peter F., Podoba J., Simescu M., Szybinsky Z., Vertongen F., Vitti P., Wiersinga W., Zamrazil Václav
Thyroid volume and urinary iodine in European schoolchildren: standardization of values for assessment of iodine deficiency.
European Journal of Endocrinology 1997,136, 180-187.

Hampl Richard, Morfin R., Stárka Luboslav
7-hydroxylated derivatives of dehydroepiandrosterone: what are they good for?
Endocr. Regul. 1997,31, 4,211-218.

Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Lapčík Oldřich
Evaluation and separation of steroid-bovine serum albumin conjugates by hight performance liquid chromatography.
J.Chromatogr.Biomed.Appl. 1997,691, 187-191.

Hušek Petr, Matucha Petr
Simple approach for analysis of plasma oxo-hydroxy-and dicarboxylic acids.
J.Chromatogr.Biomed.Appl. 1997,693,499-502.

Hušek Petr
Urine organic acid profiling by capillary GC after a simple Sample pretreatment.
Clinical Chemistry 1997,43, 10,1999-2001.

Lapčík Oldřich, Hampl Richard,Auli Salakka, Nawaf Al-Maharik, Kristiina Wahala, Herman Adlercreutz
A novel radioimmunoassay of daidzein.

Nedvídková Jara, Schreiber Vratislav, Stárka Luboslav
In vivo antiestrogenic activity of mifepristone in the rat.
J.Endocrinol.Invest. 1997,20, 4, 225-229.

Stárka Luboslav, Bílek Radovan, Hampl Richard, Hill Martin, Lapčík Oldřich, Petřík Radko
Epitestosterone in human blood and prostatic tissue.
Eur.J.Clin.Chem.Clin.Biochem. 1997,35, 6, 469-473.

Šulcová Jarmila, Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Stárka Luboslav
Age and sex related differences in serum levels of unconjugated dehydroepiandrosterone and its sulphate in normal subjects.
Journal of Endocrinology 1997,154,57-62.

Žofková Ivana, Kancheva R.L., Bendlová Běla
Effect of 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D3 on Circulating Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I and beta2 Microglobulin in Patients with Osteoporosis.
Calcif.Tissue Int. 1997,60, 236-239.

Žofková Ivana, Kancheva R.L.
The effect of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3ON CD4+/CD8+ subsets of T lymphocytes in postmenopausal women.
Life Science 1997,61, 2,147-152.


Bílek Radovan, Soutorová Milena, Stárka Luboslav, Smyth D.G. Gkonos P.J.
The Effect of Androgens on the Concentration of THR-Like Peptides in Rat Prostate.
Thyroid Gland 1996, 3, 58-67.

Hampl, Richard, Stárka Luboslav
Sex hormone-binding globulin in endocrine regulation (minireview).
Endocrine Regulations 30,1996, 56-65.

Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Petřík R., Stárka Luboslav
Concentration of the Endogenous Antiandrogen Epitestosterone and Androgenic C19-Steroids in Hyperplastic Prostatic Tissue.
The Prostate 28,1996,347-351.

Hill Martin, Petřík R., Hampl Richard, Stárka Luboslav
The Concentrations of the Endogenous C19-Steroids in Hyperplastic Prostatic Tissue and the Effect of Finasteride Treatment.
Hormone and Metabolic Research 28,1996,10,562-564.

Hořejší J., Nováková Dana,Martínek J.
Circulating Ovarian Autoantibodies and FSH and LH Levels in Adolescent Girls With Primary Menstrual Cycle Disorders.
J.Pediatr. Adolesc. Gynecol. 1996,9,74-78.

Nedvídková Jara,Pacák Karel, Nedvídek Jan, Goldstein David S., Schreiber Vratislav
Triiodothyronine attenuates estradiol-induced increases in dopamine D-2 receptor number in rat anterior pituitary.
Brain Research 712,1996,148-152.

Němec Jan,Nývltová Olga,Blažek T.,Vlček Petr,Racek P.,Novák Zdeněk,Preiningerová M.,Hubáčková M.,Křížová M.,Zimák Jaroslav,Bílek Radovan
Positive thyroid cancer scintigraphy using technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile.
European J.Nucl.Med.23,1996,1,69-71.

Stárka, Luboslav, Broulík, P.D., Hampl, Richard, Nedvídková Jara, Hill Martin
Antirenotropic action of antiandrogens cyproterone acetate, casodex, flutamide and epitestosterone.
Endocrine Regulations 30,1996,93-97.

Šimečková Aranka, Zamrazil Václav, Čeřovská Jarmila
Morning magnesiuria: relation to age and sex.
Magnesium Research, 9, 1996, 1, 41-45.

Vrbíková Jana, Janatková I.,Zamrazil Václav,Tomíška František,Fučíková Tereza
Epstein-Barr virus serology in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.

Žofková Ivana, Sotorník Ivo, Kancheva Radmila L.
Adenohypophyseal-Gonadal Dysfunction in Male Haemodialyzed Patients before and after Subtotal Parathyroidectomy.
Nephron 1996,74,536-540.

Žofková Ivana, Kancheva R.L.
Effect of Surgically Induced Hypoestrinism on Immunoregulation in Perimenopausal Women.

Žofková I., Kancheva R.L.
Effect of Estrogen Status on Bone Regulating Hormones.

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