Endokrinologický ústav

Zahraniční časopisy 2015

Börnhorst C, Wijnhoven TM, Kunešová M, Yngve A, Rito AI, Lissner L, Duleva V, Petrauskiene A, Breda J. WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: associations between sleep duration, screen time and food consumption frequencies. BMC Public Health, 2015, 15(April):Article number 442.
IGA NS/9832-4
IF = 2,264

Bozensky Jan, Hill Martin, Zelenka Richard, Skyba Tomas. Prebiotics Do Not Influence the Severity of Atopic Dermatitis in Infants: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Plos One, 2015, 10(11): Article Number e0142897.
IF = 3,234

Dušátková L, Zamrazilová H, Aldhoon-Hainerová I, Sedláčková B, Včelák J, Hlavatý P, Bendlová B, Kunešová M, Hainer V. A common variant near BDNF is associated with dietary calcium intake in adolescents. Nutrition Research, 2015, 35(9):766-773.
NT/13792-4, NT/12342-5, CZ0123

Dusatkova L, Dusatkova P, Vosahlo J, Vesela K, Cinek O, Lebl J, Pruhova S. Frameshift mutations in the insulin gene leading to prolonged molecule of insulin in two families with Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young. European Journal of Medical Genetics, 2015, 58(4): 230-234.
IF = 1,466

Dvorakova S, Sykorova V, Vaclavikova E, Sykorova P, Vlcek P, Kodetova D, Lastuvka P, Betka J, Mokrejs M, Vcelak J, Bendlova B. A 3-bp Deletion VK600-1E in the BRAF Gene Detected in a Young Woman with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. Endocrine Pathology, 2015, 26(4): 309-314.
IGA MZ CR NT/13901-4, “Podpořeno MZ ČR - RVO (Endokrinologický ústav - EÚ, 00023761)”

Engberink MF, Geleijnse JM, Bakker SJ, Larsen TM, Handjieva-Darlesnka T,Kafatos A, Martinez JA, Pfeiffer AF, Kunešová M, Jebb SA, Holst C, Astrup A, Saris WH, Brink EJ, van Baak MA. Effect of a high-protein diet on maintenance of blood pressure levels achieved after initial weight loss: the DiOGenes randomized study. Journal of Human Hypertension, 2015, 29(1):58-63.
The DIOGenes project (FP6-2005-513946, FOOD-CT-2005-513946)
IF = 2,700

Falt, P, Smajstrla V, Fojtik P, Urban O, Hill M. Water-Aided Colonoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients-A Randomised, Single-Centre Trial. JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS, 2015, 9(9):720-724.
IF = 6,234

Fedorova T, Brandlová K, Bičíková M, Skálová I, Lukešová D. Salivary sex steroid hormones in female Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) during different reproductive stages. Journal of Camel Practice and Research, 2015, 22(1): 61-66.
IF = 0,090

Halkova T, Dvorakova S, Vaclavikova E, Sykorova V, Vcelak J, Sykorova P, Vlcek P, Reboun M, Katra R, Kodetova D, Schrumpf M, van Wezel T, Morreau H, Bendlova B. A novel RET/PTC variant detected in a pediatric patient with papillary thyroid cancer without ionization history. Human Pathology, 2015; 46(12): 1962-1969.
IGA MZ CR NT/13901-4, “Podpořeno MZ ČR - RVO (Endokrinologický ústav - EÚ, 00023761)”
IF = 2,769

Hampl R, Bičíková M, Sosvorová L. Hormones and the blood-brain barrier. Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation, 2015, 21(3):159-64.

Hill Martin, Dušková Michaela, Stárka Luboslav. Dehydroepiandrosterone, its metabolites and ion channels. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, 145(Jan):293-314.
IF = 3,628

Holcapek Michal, Cervená Blanka, Cífková Eva, Lísa Miroslav, Chagovets Vitaliy, Vostálová Jitka, Bancírová Martina, Galuszka Jan, Hill Martin. Lipidomic analysis of plasma, erythrocytes and lipoprotein fractions of cardiovascular disease patients using UHPLC/MS, MALDI-MS and multivariate data analysis. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2015, 990(May):52-63.
IF = 2,729

Jurášek M., Rimpelová S., Pavlíčková V., Ruml T., Lapčík O., Drašar P.B. Synthesis and biological evaluation of nandrolone-bodipy conjugates. Steroids, 2015, 97(May special issue):62-66.
IF = 2,639

Kahleova H, Malinska H, Kazdova L, Belinova L, Tura A, Hill M, Pelikanova T. The Effect of Meal Frequency on the Fatty Acid Composition of Serum Phospholipids in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2015:1-9 (article in press)
NT/14250-3, NT/14325-3
IF = 1,453

Kahleova H, Belinova L, Hill M, Pelikanova T. Do patients with type 2 diabetes still need to eat snacks? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015, 69(6): 755-756.
IF = 2,709

Kotalova R, Dusatkova P, Cinek O, Dusatkova L,Dedic T, Seeman T, Lebl J, Pruhova S. Hepatic phenotypes of HNF1B gene mutations: A case of neonatal cholestasis requiring portoenterostomy and literature review. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2015, 21(8): 2550-2557.
IF = 2,369

Leiter LA, Astrup A, Andrews RC, Cuevas A, Horn DB, Kunešová M, Wittert G, Finer N. Identification of educational needs in the management of overweight and obesity: results of an international survey of attitudes and practice. Clinical Obesity, 2015, 5(5): 245-255.

Montastier E, Villa-Vialaneix N, Caspar-Bauguil S, Hlavaty P, Tvrzicka E, Gonzalez I, Saris WH, Langin D, Kunesova M, Viguerie N. System model network for adipose tissue signatures related to weight changes in response to calorie restriction and subsequent weight maintenance. PLoS Computational Biology, 2015, 11(1):Article number: e1004047.
IGA MZ ČR NT 13735-4, NT12342-5/2011, “Podpořeno MZ ČR - RVO (Endokrinologický ústav - EÚ, 00023761)”
IF = 4,620

Musil Z, Svobodova I, Zidkova A, Safarikova M, Vicha A, Vocka M, Stanek L, Labudova T, Vcelak J, Vaclavikova E, Tesar V, Tesarova P, Seeman T, Reiterova J. A pilot study conducted in the Czech Republic relating to the molecular analysis of the RET and GDNF genes in patients with cakut, predominantly unilateral renal agenesis. Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2015, 3(4): 121-125.

Rozenkova K, Malikova J, Nessa A, Dusatkova L, Bjørkhaug L, Obermannova B, Dusatkova P, Kytnarova J, Aukrust I, Najmi LA, Rypackova B, Sumnik Z, Lebl J, Njølstad PR, Hussain K, Pruhova S. High Incidence of Heterozygous ABCC8 and HNF1A Mutations in Czech Patients With Congenital Hyperinsulinism. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2015, 100(12): E1540-E1549.
IF = 6,209

Sedlak Petr, Pařízková Jana, Daniš Robert, Dvořáková Hana, Vignerová Jana. Secular Changes of Adiposity and Motor Development in Czech Preschool Children: Lifestyle Changes in Fifty-Five Year Retrospective Study. BioMed Research International, 2015, 2015, Article ID 823841, 9 pages.
IF = 1,579

Shi X, Liu R, Basolo F, Giannini R, Shen X, Teng D, Guan H, Shan Z, Teng W, Musholt TJ, Al-Kuraya K, Fugazzola L, Colombo C, Kebebew E, Jarzab B, Czarniecka A, Bendlova B, Sykorova V, Sobrinho-Simões M, Soares P, Shong YK, Kim TY, Cheng S, Asa SL, Viola D, Elisei R, Yip L, Mian C, Vianello F, Wang Y, Zhao S, Oler G, Cerutti JM, Puxeddu E, Qu S, Wei Q, Xu H, O’Neill CJ, Sywak MS, Clifton-Bligh R, Lam AK, Riesco-Eizaguirre G, Santisteban P, Yu H, Tallini G, Holt EH, Vasko V, Xing M. Differential Clinicopathological Risk and Prognosis of Conventional, Follicular-variant, and Tall-cell Papillary Thyroid Cancers. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2016; 101(1): 264-74. (Epub2015 Nov 03).
IGA MZ CR NT/13901-4

Sosvorova L, Vitku J, Chlupacova T, Mohapl M, Hampl R. Determination of seven selected neuro- and immunomodulatory steroids in human cerebrospinal fluid and plasma using LC-MS/MS.Steroids. 2015, 98(Jun):1-8.
NT 12349-4, NT 13369-4
IF = 2,639

Sosvorova L, Hill M, Mohapl M, Vitku J, Hampl R. Steroid hormones in prediction of normal pressure hydrocephalus. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2015, 152(Aug):124–132.
NT 12349-4
IF = 3,628

Sosvorova L, Kanceva R, Vcelak J, Kancheva L, Mohapl M, Starka L, Havrdova E. The comparison of selected cerebrospinal fluid and serum cytokine levels in patients with multiple sclerosis and normal pressure hydrocephalus. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 2015, 36(6):564-571.
IGA MZČR NT 13814-4
IF = 0,799

Srbova L, Gabalec F, Ryska A, Cap J. Results of retrospective classification of thyroid FNAs according to the Bethesda system: would this have improved accuracy? Cytopathology, 2015, 26(4):231-237.
IF = 1,481

Stárka Luboslav, Dušková Michaela, Hill Martin. Dehydroepiandrosterone: A neuroactive steroid. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2015, 145(Jan): 254-260.
NT/13980-4, NT 12340-5
IF = 3,628

Sykorova V, Dvorakova S, Vcelak J, Vaclavikova E, Halkova T, Kodetova D, Lastuvka P, Betka J, Vlcek P, Reboun M, Katra R, Bendlova B. Search for new genetic biomarkers in poorly differentiated and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas using next generation sequencing. Anticancer Research, 2015, 35(4): 2029-2036.
IGA MZ CR NT/13901-4, “Podpořeno MZ ČR - RVO (Endokrinologický ústav - EÚ, 00023761)”
IF = 1,826

Šimják P, Pařízek A, Vítek L, Černý A, Adamcová K, Koucký M, Hill M, Dušková M, Stárka L. Fetal complications due to intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 2015, 43 (2):133-139.
NT 12211-5
IF = 1,358

Vitku J, Chlupacova T, Sosvorova L, Hampl R, Hill M, Heracek J, Bicikova M, Starka L. Development and validation of LC–MS/MS method for quantification of bisphenol A and estrogens in human plasma and seminal fluid. Talanta, 2015, 140(Aug):62-67.
IF = 3,545

Vrbikova J, Kunesova M, Kyrou I, Tura A, Hill M, Grimmichova T, Dvorakova K, Sramkova P, Dolezalova K, Bradnova O, Vcelak J, Hainer V, Bendlova B Kumar S, Fried M. Insulin sensitivity and secretion in obese type 2 diabetic women after various bariatric operations. Obesity Surgery, 2015 (odesláno vydavateli)
EFSD New Horizon 111309, IGA MZ CR NT 13735-4
IF = 3,747

Wijnhoven TM, van Raaij JM, Yngve A, Sjöberg A, Kunešová M, Duleva V, Petrauskiene A, Rito AI, Breda J. WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: health-risk behaviours on nutrition and physical activity in 6-9-year-old schoolchildren. Public Health Nutrition, 2015, 18(17):3108-3124. NT 13735-4

Xing Mingzhao, Alzahrani Ali S., Carson Kathryn A., Shong Young Kee, Kim Tae Yong, Viola David, Elisei Rossella, Bendlová Bela, Yip Linwah, Mian Caterina, Vianello Federica, Tuttle, Michael R., Robenshtok Eyal, Fagin James A., Puxeddu Efisio, Fugazzola Laura, Czarniecka Agnieszka, Jarzab Barbara, O’Neill Christine J., Sywak Mark S., Lam Alfred K., Riesco-Eizaguirre Garcilaso, Santisteban Pilar, Nakayama Hirotaka, Clifton-Bligh Roderick, Tallini Giovanni, Holt Elizabeth H., Sýkorová Vlasta.
Association between BRAF V600E mutation and recurrence of papillary thyroid cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2015, 33(1):42-50.
NT 13901-4
IF = 18,443

Zamrazilová H, Aldhoon-Hainerová I, Atkinson RL, Dušátková L, Sedláčková B, Lee ZP, Kunešová M, Hill M, Hainer V. Adenovirus 36 infection: a role in dietary intake and response to inpatient weight management in obese girls. International Journal of Obesity, 2015, 39(12):1757-1760.

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