Endokrinologický ústav

Zahraniční časopisy 2011

Astrup A., Carraro R., Finer N., Harper A., Kunešová Marie, Lean M.E., Niskanen L., Rasmussen M.F., Rissanen A., Rössner S., Savolainen M.J., van Gaal L.
Safety, tolerability and sustained weight loss over 2 years with the once-daily human GLP-1 analog, liraglutide.
Int J Obes (Lond) 2011(online Aug 16):1-12(doi: 10.1038/ijo.2011.158)

Bičíková Marie, Hill Martin, Ripová Daniela, Mohr Pavel
Altered levels of circulating GABAergic 5alfa/beta-reduced pregnance and androstane steroids in schizophrenic men.
Horm Mol Biol Clin Invest 2011,6(2):227-230.

Bičíková Marie, Hampl Richard, Hill Martin, Řípová Daniela, Mohr Pavel, Putz Zdeněk, Vanuga Peter
Neuro- and immunomodulatory steroids and other biochemical markers in drug-naive schizophrenia patiens and the effect of treatment with atypical antipsychotics.
Neuroendocrinology Letters 2011,32(2):141-7.

Bičíková Marie, Kříž Lubomír, Ripová D., Mohr P., Hill Martin, Hampl Richard
The change of selected laboratory parameters in drug – naive schizophrenic patiens after treatment by atypical antipsychotics.
Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2011, 26-e, Suppl: e1-e180.

Bílek Radovan, Stárka Luboslav, Zamrazil Václav
Evaluation of dysthyronemia in endocrinological patiens.
Horm Mol Biol Clin Invest 2011,8(3):499-504.
NS/9831-4, NS/9837-4

Bronský J., Nedvídková Jara, Krásničanová H., Veselá M., Schmidtová J., Koutek J., Kellemayer R., Chada M., Kabelka Z., Hrdlička M., Nevoral J., Prusa R.
Changes of orexin A plasma levels in girls with anorexia nervosa during eight weeks of realimentation.
Int J Eat Disord 2011,44(6):547-52.

Dušková Michaela, Šimůnková Kateřina, Hill Martin, Velíková Marta, Kubátová Jana, Hruškovičová Hana, Pospíšilová Hana, Rácz Beáta, Cirmanová Veronika, Králíková Eva, Stárka Luboslav
Cigarete smoking and progesterone and androgen metabolites in premenopausal women.
Horm Mol Biol Clin Invest 2011,6(3):259-64.

Dušková Michaela, Šimůnková Kateřina, Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav
7-hydroxylated derivatives of dehydroepiandrosterone as possibly related to menstrual mood change in healthy women.
Endocr Regul 2011,45(3):131-137.
S-NT/11277, NS/9831-4

Frank-Raue K, Rybicki LA, Erlic Z, Schweizer H, Winter A, Milos I, Toledo SP, Toledo RA, Tavares MR, Alevizaki M, Mian C, Siggelkow H, Hüfner M, Wohllk N, Opocher G, Dvořáková Š, Bendlova B, Czetwertynska M, Skasko E, Barontini M, Sanso G, Vorländer C, Maia AL, Patocs A, Links TP, de Groot JW, Kerstens MN, Valk GD, Miehle K, Musholt TJ, Biarnes J, Damjanovic S, Muresan M, Wüster C, Fassnacht M, Peczkowska M, Fauth C, Golcher H, Walter MA, Pichl J, Raue F, Eng C, Neumann HP; International RET Exon 10 Consortium
Risk profiles and penetrance estimations in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A caused by germline RET mutations located in exon 10.
Hum Mutat 2011, 32(1):51-58.

Gögebakan Özlem, Kohl Angela, Osterhoff Martin A., Baak Marleen A. van, Jebb SusanA., Papadaki Angeliki, Martinez J. Alfredo, Handjieva-Darlenska Teodora, Hlavaty Petr, Weickert Martin O., Holst Claus, Saris Wim H.M., Astrup Arne, Pfeiffer Andrea F.H.
Effects of weight loss and long-term weight maintenance with diets varying in protein and glycemic index on cardiovascular risk factors / clinical perspective : the diet, obesity, and genes (DiOGenes) study: A randomized, controlled trial.
Circulation. 2011 Dec 20;124(25):2829-38.
DIOGENES (FOOD-CT-2005-513946)

Goyenechea E, Holst C, Saris WH, Jebb S, Kafatos A, Pfeiffer A, Handjiev S, Hlavaty P, Stender S, Larsen TM, Astrup A, Martinez JA
Effects of different protein content and glycaemic index of ad libitum diets on diabetes risk factors in overweight adults: the DIOGenes multicentre, randomized, dietary intervention trial.
Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2011, 27(7):705-716.
DIOGENES (FOOD-CT-2005-513946)

Hainer Vojtěch
Comparative efficiency and safety of pharmacological approaches to the management of obesity.
Diabetes Care 2011, 34(Suppl2):S349-S354.

Hainerová Irena, Zamrazilová Hana, Sedláčková Dana, Hainer Vojtěch
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in a homozygous MC4R mutation carrier and the effect of sibutramine treatment on body weight and obesity-related helath risk.
Obes Facts 2011,4(4):324-328.

Hill Martin, Vrbíková Jana, Zárubová J., Kancheva Radmila, Velíková Marta, Kancheva Ludmila, Kubátová Jana, Dušková Michaela, Marušič P., Pařízek A., Stárka Luboslav
The steroid metabolome in lamotrigine-treated women with epilepsy.
Steroids 2011,76(12): 1351-57.

Kahleová H., Matoulek M., Malinská H., Oliyarnik O., Kazdová L., Neškudla T., Škoch A., Hájek M., Hill Martin, Kahle M., Pelikánová T.
Vegetarian diet improves insulin resistence and oxidative stress markers more than conventional diet in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
Diab Med 2011,28(5):549-59.

Kancheva Radmila, Hill Martin, Novák Z., Chrastina J., Kancheva Ludmila, Stárka Luboslav
Neuroactive steroids in periphery and cerebrospinal fluid.
Neuroscience 2011,191: 22-27.
NS/9831-4, NS/9790-4

Kunešová Marie, Vignerová J., Pařízková Jana, Procházka B., Braunerová Radka, Riedlová J., Zamrazilová Hana, Hill Martin, Bláha P., Šteflová A.
Long-term changes in prevalence of overweight and obesity in Czech 7-year-old children: evaluation of different cut-off criteria of childhood obesity.
Obesity Reviews 2011,12(7):483-91.

Kvíčala Jan, Zamrazil Václav, Němeček Jiří, Jiránek V.
Influence of long-term supplementation by various quantities of yeast-bound selenium upon selenium status of South Bohemia seniors.
Trace Elements and Electrolytes 2011,28(1):11-17.

Nedvídková Jara, Smitka Kvido, Papežová H., Vondra Karel, Hill Martin, Hainer Vojtěch
Acipimox during exercise points to an inhibitory feedback of GH on ghrelin secretion in bulimic and healthy women.
Regul Pept 2011,167(1):134-9.

Smitka Kvido, Papežová H., Vondra Karel, Hill Martin, Hainer Vojtěch, Nedvídková Jara
A higher response of plasma neuropeptide Y growth hormon a leptin levels and extracellular glycerol levels in subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue to Acipimox dutiny exercise in patiens with bulimia nervosa: single-blind randomized microdialysis study.
Nutrition and Metabolism 2011,8(1):81

Tsigos C., Hainer Vojtěch, Basdevant A., Finer N., Mathus-Vliegen E., Micic D., Maislos M., Roman G., Schutz Y., Toplak H., Ymuk V., Zahorska-Markiewicz B.
Obesity management task force of the European association for the study of obesity: criteria for EASO-collaborating centres for obesity management.
Obes Facts 2011,4(4):329-333.

Wang P., Holst C., Andersen M.R., Astrup A., Bouwman F.G., van Ottedrijk S., Wodzig W.K., van Baak M.A., Larsen T.M., Jebb S.A., Kafatos A., Pfeiffer A.F., Martinez J.A., Handijeva-Darlenska T., Kunešová Marie, Saris W.H., Mariman E.C.
Blood profile of proteins and steroid hormones predict weight change after weight loss with interactions of dietary protein level and glycemic index.
PLoS One 2011,6(2):1-11(e16773).
DIOGENES (FOOD-CT-2005-513946)

Žofková Ivana, Cirmanová Veronika, Kasalický Petr, Lánská Věra, Vyskočil Václav, Matucha Petr, Bayer Milan
Relationship between hormonal variables and bone mineral density, muscle force, and fat mass in peripubertal girls.
Int J Endocrinol Metab, 2011, 9 (3): 391-396.

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