Endokrinologický ústav

Zahraniční časopisy 2002

Bičíková Marie, Klak Jan, Hill Martin, Žižka Zdeněk, Hampl Richard, Calda Pavel
Two neuroactive steroids in midpregnancy as measured in maternal and fetal sera and in amniotic fluid.
Steroids 67,2002,5,399-402.

Bičíková Marie, Tallová Jaroslava, Stanická Soňa, Hill Martin, Vondra Karel, Hampl Richard
Levels of testosterone, allopregnanolone and homocysteine in severe hypothyroidism.
Clinical and Cemistry and Laboratory  Medicine 40,2002,10,1024-27.

Cibula David, Fanta M., Hill Martin, Šindelka G., Škrha J., Živný J.
Insulin sensitivity in non-obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome during treatment with oral contraceptives containing low-androgenic progestin.
Human Reproduction 17,2002,1,76-82.

Cibula David, Škrha J., Hill Martin, Fanta M., Haaková L., Vrbíková Jana, Živný J.
Prediction of Insulin Sensitivity in nonobese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87,2002, 12,5821-5825

Čapková M., Houštěk J., Hansíková H., Hainer Vojtěch, Kunešová Marie, Zeman J.
Activities of cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase in lymphocytes of obese and normal-weight subjects.
Int.J.Obes.Relat.Metab.Disord. 26,2002,8,1110-7.

Hainer Vojtěch, Kunešová Marie, Wagenknecht M., Mikulová R., Pařízková J., Lajka J.
Obesity, health risk and weight management: determination by both genetic and environmental factors.
Medycyna metaboliczna 6, 2002,Suppl.4, 16.

Hainer Vojtěch
Genetic and environmental determinants of weight loss and maintenance: The Czech experience.
Acta Physiologica Hungarica 89,2002,258.

Hainer Vojtěch, Kunešová Marie
Obesity management approaches in Europe.
Int.J.Obes.Relat.Metab.Disord. 26,2002,Suppl.1,S24.

Havlíková Helena, Hill Martin, Hampl Richard, Stárka Luboslav
Sex- and age-related changes in epitestosterone in relation to pregnanolone sulfate and testosterone in normal subjects.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87,2002,5,2225-31.

Hill Martin, Pařízek Antonín, Klak Jan, Hampl Richard, Šulcová Jarmila,Havlíková Helena, Lapčík Oldřich, Bičíková Marie, Fait Tomáš, Kancheva Radmila, Cibula D., Pouzar V., Meloun Milan, Stárka Luboslav
Neuroactive steroids, their precursors and polar conjugates during parturition and postpartum in maternal and umbilical blood: 3.3beta-hydroxy-5-ene steroids.
Journal of Steoid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 82,2002,241-250.
Hušek Petr, Pohlídal Antonín, Slabík David
Rapid screening of urinary proline-hydroxyproline dipeptide in bone turnover studies.
Journal of Chromatography B 767, 2002,169-174.

Kunešová Marie, Hainer Vojtěch, Mikulová R., Pařízková J., Wagenknecht M.
Differences in serum androgens and fibrinogen response on weight loss in premenopausal and  postmenopausal women.
Int.J.Obes.Relat.Metab.Disord. 26,2002,Suppl.1,S127.

Kunešová Marie, Hainer Vojtěch, Obenberger J., Mikulová R., Pařízková J., Slabá Š., Bezdíčková D, Seidl Z.
Adipose tissue distribution in obese females. Relationship to hormonal levels and proinflammatory factors.
Medycyna metaboliczna 6, 2002,Suppl.4, 36.

Kunešová Marie, Hainer Vojtěch, Tvrzická E., Phinney S.D., Štich V., Pařízková V., Žák A., Stunkard A.J.
Assessment of dietary and genetic factors influencing serum and adipose fatty acid composition in obese female identical twins.
Lipids 37,2002,1,27-32.

Kvíčala Jan, Zamrazil Václav, Jiránek V.
Selenium status of inhabitants of region Jablonec, Czech Republic.
Trace Elements and Electrolytes 19,2002,2,1-6.

L´homme Rafaëla, Brouwers Elke, Al-Maharik Nawaf, Lapčík Oldřich, Hampl Richard, Mikola Heikki, Wähälä K., Adlercreutz Herman
Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay of plasma and urine 0-desmethylangolesin.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 81,2002,353-361.

Matějková-Běhanová Magdalena, Zamrazil Václav, Vondra Karel, Vrbíková Jana, Kučera Petr, Hill Martin, Anděl Michal
Autoimmune thyroiditis in non-obese subjects with initial diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 25,2002,9,779-784.

Meloun Milan, Militký Jiří, Hill Martin, Brereton R.G.
Crucial problems in regression modelling and their solutions.
Analyst 127,2002,433-450.

Pohanka Michal, Hampl Richard, Šterzl Ivan, Stárka Luboslav
Steroid hormones in human semen with particular respect to dehydroepiandrosterone and its immunomodulatory metabolites.
Endocrine Regulations 36,2002, 79-86.

Selisko Thomas, Včelák Josef, Bendlová Běla,  Graessler jurgen, Schwarz Peter, Schulze Jan
Mutations and intronic variants in the HNF-1 beta gene in a group of German and Czech Caucasians with type 2 diabetes mellitus and progressive diabetic nephropathy.
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes 110,2002,3,145-147.

Vrbíková Jana, Bičíková Marie,  Tallová Jaroslava, Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav
Homocysteine and steroids levels in metformin treated women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes 110,2002,2,74-76.

Vrbíková Jana, Hill Martin, Stárka Luboslav, Vondra Karel
Prediction of the Effect of Metformin Treatment in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 53,2002,2,100-104.

Vrbíková Jana, Bendlová Běla, Hill Martin, Vaňková Markéta, Vondra Karel, Stárka Luboslav
Insuline sensitivity and beta-cell function in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Diabetes Care,25,2002,1217-1222.

Žofková Ivana, Hill Martin, Zajíčková Kateřina
Dehydroepiandrosterone Status in Postmenopausal Women is Determined by the Gene for the Vitamin D Receptor.
Hormone and Metabolic Research 34,2002,3,127-131.

Žofková Ivana, Zajíčková Kateřina, Hill Martin, Hořínek Aleš
Apolipoprotein E gene determines serum testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone levels in postmenopausal women.
European Journal of Endocrinology 147,2002,503-506.

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